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Installation: ComfyUI on KITeGG Server

1. Clone ComfyUI GitHub Repository

1. Open a terminal


2. Download the ComfyUI repository

In Terminal, run this command:

git clone

3. Navigate to the "custom_nodes" folder and download the ComfyUI Manager 

In Terminal, run these commands (one after the other):

cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes
git clone

2. Run ComfyUI

2.1. Adapt Notebook for running it on the KITeGG Server

1. Navigate to the ComfyUI Manager notebook and open the Notebook “comfyui_colab_with_manager.ipynb”

Path: ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Manager/notebooks/comfyui_colab_with_manager.ipynb

2. Make following changes to the notebook (pink Markups are going to be changed):


a) Disable Google Drive Connection (Set USE_GOOGLE_DRIVE = "False")

Delete: USE_GOOGLE_DRIVE = True  #@param {type:"boolean"}

Paste: USE_GOOGLE_DRIVE = False  #@param {type:"boolean"}

b) Change Workspace Location (Set WORKSPACE = '~/ComfyUI')

Delete: current_dir = !pwd 

Delete: WORKSPACE = f"{current_dir[0]}/ComfyUI"

Paste: WORKSPACE = '~/ComfyUI'

3. Check and Run

a) Make sure the code looks like this:


b) save the notebook changes ⌘S

c) run the cell ⇧↵

2.2. Install Models

1. Go to the Second Cell


2. Uncomment the models you want to install (delete the "#" in front of the lines)

you can always install more models later

3. run the cell ⇧↵

2.3. Install ControlNet Preprocessor

open Terminal, paste and run code:

cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes/
git clone
cd comfyui_controlnet_aux
pip install -r requirements.txt

if this does not work, check for updates in the Installation guide at GitHub - Fannovel16/comfyui_controlnet_aux: ComfyUI's ControlNet Auxiliary Preprocessors

2.4. Open Comfy UI

0. (If you did 2.4.: Go back to the Notebook)

1. Run the last cell "ComfyUI with cloudflared"

2. In the terminal code, search for the URL to access ComfyUI ( and copy it to your browser.

3. Always stop your server (important)!

At end of use, please do not forget to stop your server.  It uses a lot of energy. Thanks:)

To do so go to File > Hub Control Panel > Stop My Server


Opening ComfyUI after initial installation

(no Terminal needed)

  1. Open the Notebook like before

    Path: ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Manager/notebooks/comfyui_colab_with_manager.ipynb

  2. Run All Three Cells (wait for Processes to complete before running next cell)

    add more models by uncommenting them in the 2nd cell if you like

  3. In the terminal code of the last cell, search for the URL to access ComfyUI ( and copy it to your browser.

Tutorial Recommendations

Tutorial recommendation: Olivio Sarikas - Learn ComfyUI Playlist (1 - 8)