npm basic commands
- Start with your own set of images, make sure they are not blurry. Choose approximately 30 - 150 images.
- put your images in C:\Users\student\python\instant-ngp\data\nerf\YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER\images
- open anaconda shell
- activate the instant-ngp environment
conda activate instant-ngp
- navigate with cd to your project folder
cd python/instant-ngp/data/nerf/YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER
- execute the "" script from your project folder
python "C:\Users\student\python\instant-ngp\scripts\" --colmap_matcher exhaustive --run_colmap --aabb_scale 16
- wait until the matching has finished - a few more files in your project folder have been created:
8. open Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019 (🪟KEY and type "Developer Command Prompt")
9. navigate with "cd" to the instant-ngp folder
10. .\build\testbed --scene data\nerf\YOUR_PROJECT_FOLDER
python scripts/ --scene data/nerf/sj --n_seconds 5 --fps 60 --render_name test --width 1920 --height 1080Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
(run from developer command prompt)
.\build\testbed --scene data\nerf\kalmar