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Deforum Stable Diffusion Animation parameters

Executing with an animation settings file

if you want to animate you appennd the flag '--enable_animation_mode' to the command. The '--settings flag' should point to a file that has the structure of the animation template that can be found in:




in our example the command could be this:

python --settings experiments/YOUR_NAME/runSettings_Animation.txt --enable_animation_mode

Configuration of the settings file



the animation prompts will be used. stable diffusion will interpolate between these prompts. Interpolation can be used with an "init_image " . optional 2D motion parameters will apply

2D Motion (optional)
  • angle, 2D operator to rotate canvas clockwise/anticlockwise in degrees per frame

  • zoom, 2D operator that scales the canvas size, multiplicatively [static = 1.0]

  • translation_x, 2D & 3D operator to move canvas left/right in pixels per frame

  • translation_y, 2D & 3D operator to move canvas up/down in pixels per frame

  • flip_2D_perspective, enables 2D mode functions to simulate “faux” 3D movement

  • perspective_flip_theta, the “roll” effect angle 

  • perspective_flip_phi, the “tilt” effect angle

  • perspective_flip_gamma, the “pan” effect angle

  • perspective_flip_fv, the 2D vanishing point of perspective (rec’d range 30-160)

  • noise_schedule, amount of graininess to add per frame for diffusion diversity

  • strength_schedule, amount of presence of previous frame to influence next frame, also controls steps in the following formula [steps - (strength_schedule * steps)] (more details under: “steps”)

  • contrast_schedule, adjusts the overall contrast per frame [default neutral at 1.0]

    init_image (optional)

    "init_image":" PATH TO INIT IMAGE HERE! ",

    Video Input
    Video Input

    When selected, will ignore all motion parameters and attempt to reference a video loaded into the runtime, specified by the video_init_path. Video Input mode will ignore the “none mode” prompts and refer to the prompts that are scheduled with a frame number before them. “Max_frames” is ignored during video_input mode, and instead, follows the number of frames pulled from the video’s length. The notebook will populate images from the video into the selected drive as a string of references to be impacted. The number of frames to be pulled from the video is based on “extract_nth_frame”. Default of 1 will extract every single frame of the video. A value of 2 will skip every other frame. Values of 3 and higher will effectively skip between those frames yielding a shorter batch of images. Currently, video_input mode will ignore all other coherence parameters, and only affect each frame uniquely. Resume_from_timestring is NOT available with Video_Input mode. 

    additional video input parameters
    • video_init_path, the directory at which your video file is located for Video INput mode only.

    • extract_nth_frame, during the run sequence, only frames specified by this value will be extracted, saved, and diffused upon. A value of 1 indicates that every frame is to be accounted for. Values of 2 will use every other frame for the sequence. Higher values will skip that number of frames respectively.

    • overwrite_extracted_frames, when enabled, will re-extract video frames each run.

    When using video_input mode, the run will be instructed to write video frames to the drive. If you’ve already populated the frames needed, uncheck this box to skip past redundant extraction, and immediately start the render. If you have not extracted frames, you must run at least once with this box checked to write the necessary frames.

    • use_video_mask, video_input mode only, enables the extraction and use of a separate video file intended for use as a mask. White areas of the extracted video frames will not be affected by diffusion, while black areas will be fully effected. Lighter/darker areas are affected dynamically.

    • video_mask_path, the directory in which your mask video is located.





    When selected will ignore the “none mode” prompts and refer to the prompts that are scheduled with a frame number before them. 3D mode will attempt to string the images produced in a sequence of coherent outputs. The number of output images to be created is defined by “max_frames”. The motion operators that control 3D mode are as follows:“Border, translation_x, translation_y, rotation_3d_x, rotation_3d_y, rotation_3d_z, noise_schedule, contrast_schedule, color_coherence, diffusion_cadence, 3D depth warping, midas_weight, fov, padding_mode, sampling_mode, and save_depth_map. Resume_from_timestring is available during 3D mode.

    3D Motion parameters
    • translation_x, 2D & 3D operator to move canvas left/right in pixels per frame

    • translation_y, 2D & 3D operator to move canvas up/down in pixels per frame

    • translation_z, 3D operator to move canvas towards/away from view [speed set by FOV]

    • rotation_x, 3D operator to tilt canvas up/down in degrees per frame

    • rotation_y, 3D operator to pan canvas left/right in degrees per frame

    • rotation_z, 3D operator to roll canvas clockwise/anticlockwise

      3D depht
      • use_depth_warping, enables instructions to warp an image dynamically in 3D mode only.

      • midas_weight, sets a midpoint at which a depthmap is to be drawn: range [-1 to +1]

      • fov, adjusts the scale at which a canvas is moved in 3D by the translation_z value

      FOV (field of view/vision) in deforum, will give specific instructions as to how the translation_z value affects the canvas. Range is -180 to +180. The value follows the inverse square law of a curve in such a way that 0 FOV is undefined and will produce a blank image output. A FOV of 180 will flatten and place the canvas plane in line with the view, causing no motion in the Z direction. Negative values of FOV will cause the translation_z instructions to invert, moving in an opposite direction to the Z plane, while retaining other normal functions.A value of 30 fov is default whereas a value of 100 would cause transition in the Z direction to be more smooth and slow. Each type of art and context will benefit differently from different FOV values. (ex. “Still-life photo of an apple” will react differently than “A large room with plants”)

      FOV also lends instruction as to how a midas depth map is interpreted. The depth map (a greyscale image) will have its range of pixel values stretched or compressed in accordance with the FOV in such a fashion that the illusion of 3D is more pronounced at lower FOV values, and more shallow at values closer to 180. At full FOV of 180, no depth is perceived, as the midas depth map has been compressed to a single value range. 

      • padding_mode, instructs the handling of pixels outside the field of view as they come into the scene. ‘Border” will attempt to use the edges of the canvas as the pixels to be drawn. “Reflection” will attempt to approximate the image and tile/repeat pixels, whereas “Zeros” will not add any new pixel information. 

      • sampling_mode, choose from Bicubis, Bilinear or Nearest modes.

      In image processing, bicubic interpolation is often chosen over bilinear or nearest-neighbor interpolation in image resampling, when speed is not an issue. In contrast to bilinear interpolation, which only takes 4 pixels (2×2) into account, bicubic interpolation considers 16 pixels (4×4). Images resampled with bicubic interpolation are smoother and have fewer interpolation artifacts.

      • save_depth_map, will output a greyscale depth map image alongside the output images.




      will ignore the “none mode” prompts and refer to the prompts that are scheduled with a frame number before them. 2D mode will attempt to string the images produced in a sequence of coherent outputs. The number of output images to be created is defined by “max_frames”. The motion operators that control 2D mode are as follows:
      “Border, angle, zoom, translation_x, translation_y, noise_schedule, contrast_schedule, color_coherence, diffusion_cadence, and save depth maps”. Other animation parameters have no effect during 2D mode. Resume_from_timestring is available during 2D mode.

      2D Motion
      • angle, 2D operator to rotate canvas clockwise/anticlockwise in degrees per frame

      • zoom, 2D operator that scales the canvas size, multiplicatively [static = 1.0]

      • translation_x, 2D & 3D operator to move canvas left/right in pixels per frame

      • translation_y, 2D & 3D operator to move canvas up/down in pixels per frame

      • flip_2D_perspective, enables 2D mode functions to simulate “faux” 3D movement

      • perspective_flip_theta, the “roll” effect angle 

      • perspective_flip_phi, the “tilt” effect angle

      • perspective_flip_gamma, the “pan” effect angle

      • perspective_flip_fv, the 2D vanishing point of perspective (rec’d range 30-160)

      • noise_schedule, amount of graininess to add per frame for diffusion diversity

      • strength_schedule, amount of presence of previous frame to influence next frame, also controls steps in the following formula [steps - (strength_schedule * steps)] (more details under: “steps”)

      • contrast_schedule, adjusts the overall contrast per frame [default neutral at 1.0]



        • iter = incremental change (ex 77, 78, 79 ,80, 81, 82, 83…)

        • fixed = no change in seed (ex 33, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33…)

        • random = random seed (ex 472, 12, 927812, 8001, 724…)

        Note: seed -1 will choose a random starting point, following the seed behavior thereafter

        Troubleshoot: a “fixed” seed in 2D/3D mode will overbloom your output. Switch to “iter”

        Setting seed behaviour to fixed is very important for consistency - if set to 'fixed', the same seed will be used for all the frames.

        • color_coherence, select between NONE, LAB, HSV, RGB

          • LAB: Perceptual Lightness* A * B axis color balance (search “cielab”)

          • HSV: Hue Saturation & Value color balance.

          • RGB: Red Green & Blue color balance.

        The color coherence will attempt to sample the overall pixel color information, and trend those values analyzed in the 0th frame, to be applied to future frames. LAB is a more linear approach to mimic human perception of color space - a good default setting for most users.

        HSV is a good method for balancing presence of vibrant colors, but may produce unrealistic results - ( apples) RGB is good for enforcing unbiased amounts of color in each red, green and blue channel - some images may yield colorized artifacts if sampling is too low.

        • diffusion_cadence, controls the frequency of frames to be affected by diffusion [1-8]

        The diffusion cadence will attempt to follow the 2D or 3D schedule of movement as per specified in the motion parameters, while enforcing diffusion on the frames specified. The default setting of 1 will cause every frame to receive diffusion in the sequence of image outputs. A setting of 2 will only diffuse on every other frame, yet motion will still be in effect. The output of images during the cadence sequence will be automatically blended, additively and saved to the specified drive. This may improve the illusion of coherence in some workflows as the ontent and context of an image will not change or diffuse during frames that were skipped. Higher values of 4-8 cadence will skip over a larger amount of frames and only diffuse the “Nth” frame as set by the diffusion_cadence value. This may produce more continuity in an animation, at the cost of little opportunity to add more diffused content. In extreme examples, motion within a frame will fail to produce diverse prompt context, and the space will be filled with lines or approximations of content - resulting in unexpected animation patterns and artifacts. Video Input & Interpolation modes are not affected by diffusion_cadence.

        Downloading an image sequence

        if you want to download an entire folder you need to zip it first:



        • interpolate_key_frames, selects whether to ignore prompt schedule or _x_frames.

        • interpolate_x_frames, the number of frames to transition thru between prompts (when interpolate_key_frames = true, then the numbers in front of the animation prompts will dynamically guide the images based on their value. If set to false, will ignore the prompt numbers and force interpole_x_frames value regardless of prompt number)

        Sampling Settings:

        • seed, a starting point for a specific deterministic outcome, (-1 = random starting point)

        Stable Diffusion outputs are deterministic, meaning you can recreate images using the exact same settings and seed number. Choosing a seed number of -1 tells the code to pick a random number to use as the seed. When a random seed is chosen, it is printed to the notebook and saved in the image settings .txt file.

        • sampler, method in which the image is encoded and decoded from latent space

          • klms = Kernel Least Mean Square

          • dpm2 = Denoise Probabilistic Model

          • dpm2_Ancestral = dpm2 with reverse sampling path

          • heun = founded off of Euler by Karl Heun (maths & derivative solving)

          • euler =  fractional-order anisotropic denoise (Euler-Lagrange equations)

          • euler_ancestral = reverse sampling path to Euler

          • plms = Pre-trained Language Model(s)

          • ddim = Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models

        • steps, the number of iterations intended for a model to reach its prompt

        Considering that during one frame, a model will attempt to reach its prompt by the final step in that frame. By adding more steps, the frame is sliced into smaller increments as the model approaches completion. Higher steps will add more defining features to an output at the cost of time. Lower values will cause the model to rush towards its goal, providing vague attempts at your prompt. Beyond a certain value, if the model has achieved its prompt, further steps will have very little impact on final output, yet time will still be a wasted resource. Some prompts also require fewer steps to achieve a desirable acceptable output.

        During 2D & 3D animation modes, coherence is important to produce continuity of motion during video playback. The value under Motion Parameters, “strength_schedule” achieves this coherence by utilizing a proportion of the previous frame, into the current diffusion. This proportion is a scale of 0 - 1.0 , with 0 meaning there’s no cohesion whatsoever, and a brand new unrelated image will be diffused. A value of 1.0 means ALL of the previous frame will be utilized for the next, and no diffusion is needed. Since this relationship of previous frame to new diffusion consists of steps diffused previously, a formula was created to compensate for the remaining steps to justify the difference. That formula is as such:
        Target Steps - (strength_schedule * Target Steps) 

        Your first frame will, however, yield all of the steps - as the formula will be in effect afterwards.

        • scale, a measurement of how much enforcement to apply to an overall prompt.

        A normal range of 7-10 is appropriate for most scenes, however some styles and art will require more extreme values. At scale values below 3, the model will loosely impose a prompt with many areas skipped and left uninteresting or simply grayed-out. Values higher than 25 may over enforce a prompt causing extreme colors of over saturation, artifacts and unbalanced details. For some use-cases this might be a desirable effect. During some animation modes, having a scale that is too high, may trend color into a direction that causes bias and overexposed output.

        • ddim_eta, ONLY enabled in ddim sampler mode, will control a ratio of ddim to ddpm sampling methods, with a range of -1 to +1 with 0 being less randomized determinism. 


        • use_init, uses a custom image as a starting point for diffusion

        • strength, determines the presence of an init_image/video on a scale of 0-1 with 0 being full diffusion, and 1 being full init source.

        Note: even with use_init unchecked, video input is still affected.

        • init_image, location of an init_image to be used

        Note: in ‘none’ animation mode, a folder of images may be referenced here.

        • use_mask, adds an image for instructions as to which part of an image to diffuse by greyscale

        • mask_file, location of the mask image to be used

        • invert_mask, ranges the greyscale of a mask from “0 to 1” into “1 to 0”

        • mask_brightness_adjust, changes the value floor of the mask, controlling diffusion overall

        • mask_constract_adjust,  clamps min/max values of the mask to limit areas of diffusion. Note: lighter areas of the mask = no diffusion, darker areas enforce more diffusion