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Erasmus+ and Mobility online

Registration for Mobility Online

Please register via Mobility Online

The form is a bit unstable and sometimes resets itself, which can be maddening. We will look at it together and find the best strategy to fill in the form what to fill in what order in order to prevent problems.

Choose "Studienjahr 2022/23" and "Erasmus Studium SMS"

After successful registration you will receive an email with your Mobility Online credentials, with those you'll be able to log into your profile and make adaptations.

Learning Agreement

Please download the GrandLearning Agreementagreement from this folder

Fill in your details

ISCED 6 is Bachelor and ISCED 7 for Master (Study Cycle)

Save the file with your name name_surname_GA.docx and upload it to the same folder in Sciebo

Grand Agreement

You'll receive your Grand Agreement after we submitted all your Learning Agreements ⬆️

the grand agreement also needs to be filled and uploaded into this folder

International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) codes:

ISCED 6 Bachelor
ISCED 7  Master