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Setting up PyTorch plugin "bias_act_plugin"... Failed!

StyleGAN3, StyleGAN-fun, dragGAN Handling errors specific to stylegan

This error sometimes occurs if styleGAN is running inference and then interrupted.Some cache file...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

WOL configuration

LOL workstations

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

LOLbot 🤖

LOL workstations

Add the Telegram LOLbot to your Telegram: if you type /help or ...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

Unity ML Agents

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

Downloads Download Download the latest release from this Github page unzip unzip it to C:...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

general info

Drawing Machine

iDrawHome official page product page on amazon

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

inkscape extension for iDrawHome 2.0

Drawing Machine

Installation Windows download the software from here Extract the folder that was downloade...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

[Exercise ] asset management and the Unity-Blender pipeline

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

A small introduction into asset management and importing textures, their UV maps, rigs and animat...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

Deforum Stable Diffusion Animation parameters

Jupyter Hub

Executing with an animation settings file if you want to animate you appennd the flag '...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

Adding a virtual environment in Jupyter notebook

Jupyter Hub

First, activate your virtual environment (shell) and run this: pip install --user ipykernel We ...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

Hidden Layers Workshop commands

Jupyter Hub

  Participants' credentials Isabela Dimarco ws_01 Hartmut Bohnacker ws_02 Mai...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

endowing file with right to execute

Jupyter Hub

chmod +x the_file_name

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

downloading entire folders

Jupyter Hub

if you want to download an entire folder you need to zip it first: zip -r PATH_TO_...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

custom environments

Jupyter Hub

Creating the environment 1. Open a new Terminal 2. in case the environment should be available ...

Updated 1 year ago by Lasse Scherffig

Stable diffusion webui by automatic1111 (with deforum installation)

Jupyter Hub Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion WebUI by Automatic1111 1. Open a Terminal  execute the following commands ...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

Installing stable diffusion v2

Jupyter Hub Stable Diffusion v2

important Xformers export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

stable diffusion lokal

Jupyter Hub Stable Diffusion

"Ubuntu" Windows App oeffnen conda umgebung aktivieren conda activate ldm stable-diffusion o...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

custom environments

Jupyter Hub Jupyter Notebooks

open new Terminal conda create --name myenv initialize bash shell conda init bash restart she...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

Keywords first ideation session

SoSe23Adversarial Animation general Information

Hydra - browser tool - Shadergraph - Blender → Unity pipeline Procedural coding Hardware? Inter...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

Info about the cylindrical screen

SoSe23Adversarial Animation general Information

Tampere University Virtual Lab igloo vision product page (company that provides the screen) The...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner

Detecting Collisions

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

The OnCollisionEnter method can be used to detect a collision of a GameObject with another GameOb...

Updated 1 year ago by Laura Wagner