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Reading joint states with an MQTT client from a Mosquitto MQTT broker ๐ŸฆŸ

Install an MQTT Client
  1. Install a mosquitto ๐ŸฆŸ client for example MQTTX
Connect to the WIFI

ย Connect to the same WI-FI the MQTT-Broker is in.

In our case the WI-FI's name is 'ROOM_240'

In our case the device running the broker is an RaspberryPi ๐Ÿ“with the IP

Subscribe to a topic via your MQTT client
  1. Setup a new connection by clicking โž• :

    Setup a new connection to a "broker" in our case this is the Raspberry Pi ๐Ÿ“ connected to the Robot.

    Provide a name and leave the username and password fields blank.


    Click on "connect" and you'll see the joint positions coming in and constantly updated!
