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79 total results found

Prefab + Simple Spawn

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

we will setup a simple spawn location, from where GameObjects - instances of a Prefab will be instantiated - 'spawned' at a predefined rate. Creating Prefabs A Prefab is a pre-made blueprint for a game object that can be used repeatedly to create instanc...

Adding functionality to classes while adhering to their anatomy

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

When extending the functionality of C# scripts, our added code needs to comply with the basic anatomy, syntax, and naming conventions. When we create Instances of Prefabs at a spawn location, we want to destroy them at some point trough mechanisms like a 'lif...

Anatomy of Unity C# Scripts

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

In Unity game engine, C# scripts are used to add logic and behavior to game objects. Here is a basic anatomy of a C# script in Unity: Namespace Declaration: A C# script usually starts with a namespace declaration, which is a container that groups rel...

Detecting Collisions

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

The OnCollisionEnter method can be used to detect a collision of a GameObject with another GameObject. In this example we are also using the GetComponent<Renderer>() method to access the object's renderer component, which controls its visual appearance. We cr...

Info about the cylindrical screen

SoSe23Adversarial Animation general Information

Tampere University Virtual Lab igloo vision product page (company that provides the screen) The screen in action

Keywords first ideation session

SoSe23Adversarial Animation general Information

Hydra - browser tool - Shadergraph - Blender → Unity pipeline Procedural coding Hardware? Interactive performance, connection to something physical Escape Room?  Evolutionary Algorithms, Data visualization, interactive data visualization Fairy Tales, reli...

[Exercise ] asset management and the Unity-Blender pipeline

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

A small introduction into asset management and importing textures, their UV maps, rigs and animations from Blender or other 3D Modelling software into Unity. The model and the assets are based on this youtube tutorial Blender files Initial ...

general info

Drawing Machine

iDrawHome official page product page on amazon

inkscape extension for iDrawHome 2.0

Drawing Machine

Installation Windows download the software from here Extract the folder that was downloaded during the previous step install the driver in the folder 📁 Windows_Driver  Run the Run_incscape!.bat file Mac or Linux download the software fro...

Creature with hinge joints

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

Step 01 - download unity package Create a new 3D Unity project 2021.3.15f  If you want to follow along, download the base scene unitypackage  Import the unity package open base scene Step 02 - Creature Script create a new script in the Fold...

Erasmus+ and Mobility online

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Bureaucracy

Registration for Mobility Online Please register via Mobility Online The form is a bit unstable and sometimes resets itself, which can be maddening. We will look at it together and find the best strategy to fill in the form what to fill in what order in ...

Installation: Stable Diffusion Web UI by Automatic1111 (+ Deforum Extension)

Everything Stable Diffusion Different versions of StableDiffusion

WebUI: Installation 1. Open a terminal 2. Run the following commands in terminal in this order: Download the stable-diffusion-webui repository git clone Change directory and navigate to the Sta...

Unity ML Agents

SoSe23Adversarial Animation Unity

Downloads Download Download the latest release from this Github page unzip unzip it to C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\  (Windows) For Linux and Mac save unzip it to 'home' directory now you will have a folder there called: ml-agents-release_20 Installatio...

Using ESP 32 DEVKIT V1 in Windows 11 Arduino IDE


install the drivers from here make sure to select the right BOARD in Arduino IDE press the BOOT button while uploading!

LOLbot 🤖

LOL workstations

Add the Telegram LOLbot to your Telegram: if you type /help or /start in the chat you'll get instructions on how to use the bot /wol01 will wake up Workstation 01 /wol02 will wake up Workstation 02 It can take up to 3 Minut...

Setting up PyTorch plugin "bias_act_plugin"... Failed!

StyleGAN3, StyleGAN-fun, dragGAN Handling errors specific to stylegan

This error sometimes occurs if styleGAN is running inference and then interrupted.Some cache files remain and they prevent the bias_act_plugin to be loaded, next time styleGAN is run. From: C:\Users*USER*\AppData\Local\torch_extensions\torch_extensions\Cache...

WOL configuration

LOL workstations

StyleGAN3 - Training

StyleGAN3, StyleGAN-fun, dragGAN

Dowload Training data training data Group 01 wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition Group 03 wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition

StyleGAN install und usage instructions

StyleGAN3, StyleGAN-fun, dragGAN

Setup Remote Jupyterhub Notebook 1. Signing into Jupyterhub Login to JupyterHub with your cluster credentials here  Choose an XS or S slice make sure to choose cuda 11.7 from the dropdown 2. Installing Stylegan3 conda init bash source ~/.bashrc ...

MoveJ, MoveL and MoveP

UR3e 🦾 UR Offline Simulator for UR3e

moveL (Move Linear): "L" stands for "Linear." With the "moveL" command, the robot moves in a straight line from its current position to the target position. Unlike "moveJ," where the focus is on the joints, "moveL" focuses on the path ...